X Common Sleep Disorders And How meditation Can Cure Them?

Millions of people all around the globe are suffering from sleep-related disorders. It is a psychologically proven fact that a person can live without food but cannot survive without proper sleep. Not sleeping properly can have negative effects on a person’s academic life, interpersonal relationships, and health. 

People who do not get enough sleep face difficulties in making judgments and have performance issues in their professional life. Sleep deprivation can also have a negative impact on your mental and physical health as it can cause obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. 

What is a Sleep Disorder and can you get affected by it?

Sleep disorder is a type of disorder that affects a person's sleep. Sleep is very important for good health and it can affect hormone levels, mood, and weight. Snoring, sleep apnea, and insomnia are all examples of sleep disorders. Not getting enough sleep impairs your cognitive function which can result in learning impairments in youngsters and memory loss in persons of all ages. Regardless of the source, the ultimate effect of all sleep disorders is that it disturbs the body's normal sleep cycle. Sleep disorders can also affect a person’s physical and mental health. For example, it can cause ulcers, asthma, depression, and anxiety.



Different Types of Sleep Disorders: 

We all face sleeping disorders once in our life. Stress and anxiety can be one of the reasons for it. There are several sleep disorders that people face around the globe and some of them are stated below:

1. Insomnia: 

  • Insomnia is a condition in which people struggle to “fall” asleep. People with this type of issue have problems falling back to sleep after several times waking up at night, they generally wake up too early in the morning and their day is not refreshing. Insomnia is identified by the time a person is unable to sleep. It can also be identified with the repentance with which it is happening. Long-term and short-term insomnia are the two major forms of insomnia.
  • Long-term insomnia: Long-term is the type of insomnia that generally lasts for at least three months and it disrupts your sleep at least three times a week.
  • Short Term Insomnia: It is the most common form of insomnia and it generally occurs for a few days. 

2. Sleep Apnea: 

Sleep apnea is also a very common sleep disorder in which a person's breathing is disturbed while they are sleeping. This disorder generally occurs in people who are smokers. Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing while they are asleep. This disease is generally classified into two types i.e. central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea.

3. Parasomnia: 

A parasomnia is a sleep condition characterized by uneven sleeping behavior. This can occur to anyone at any point during their sleep. While parasomnias are very common, they can disturb other people because of your sleepwalking or talking. In this condition, you are unconscious of your surroundings.

4. Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is a long-term sleep disease that causes a person to sleep in the daytime as well. People with narcolepsy find difficulty in staying awake for longer periods. Narcolepsy can disrupt your daily life and can cause a lot of problems. Narcolepsy can create issues for you in your professional life because others may perceive you as sluggish. 

How Can Meditation Help in Curing Sleep Disorders?

For many people sleeping disorders are associated with stress. This is because stress can produce anxiety and tension, making it difficult to fall asleep. In certain circumstances, stress might exacerbate pre-existing sleep problems. Meditation can help you in getting a better night's sleep. It can help in calming your mind and your body while it promotes inner peace as a relaxation method. Meditation, when practiced before night, can help with insomnia and sleep problems by generating general tranquility. When someone meditates melatonin is released which is a hormone that helps in sleeping peacefully. Listed below are a few types of meditation that can help in curing sleep disorders.

 1. Mindfulness Meditation:

The practice of mindfulness meditation entails concentrating on the present moment. Simply observe a thought or feeling that comes to mind, then let it go without criticizing yourself. Remove all distractions from your mind and make yourself at home by lying down in a comfortable posture. Keep your attention on your breathing. Inhale for ten counts, then exhale for ten counts. Exhale for a total of 10 counts. Repeat five times more. This meditation will help in removing cortisol from the bloodstream and will help against stress-related insomnia. 

2. Guided meditation:

When another person guides you through each step of meditation it is called guided meditation. They could ask you to breathe in a specific manner or can relax your body in a particular way. They might even ask you to picture visuals or noises. Guided imagery is another name for this approach. Try listening to a guided meditation tape before night to quiet your anxieties and assist you in sleeping peacefully. 

3. Body Scan Meditation:

You have to focus on each component of your body in body scan meditation. The idea is to become more aware of your body's feelings, such as anxiety, tension, and discomfort. The process of concentrating increases relaxation, which can help a person in sleeping peacefully.


People around the globe face difficulty in sleeping due to different sleep disorders. These disorders can be there because of stress and anxiety and they can create problems for you in your daily life. Meditation can help you in having a peaceful sleep and it also helps you in relaxing your mind and nerves. 

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